Our Speakers

Opening Keynote Speaker

Vivek Ramachandran

Founder, SquareX

Topic : The Emperor Has No Clothes: Attacking Webmail Scanners

Technical Speaker

Louis Nyffenegger

Founder and CEO at Pentester Lab

Getting Into Security
Code Review

Fardeen Ahmed

Security Engineer and Ethical Hacker

Building Careers Using Bug-Bounty Hunting

Narendra Bhati

Manager, Suma Soft Pvt. Ltd.

Unlocking The Web:A Journey into Browser Hacking Adventures

Shrimant More

Product Security Analyst - HackerOne

Common Vulnerability Scoring System
(CVSS) 101

Shakti Ranjan Mohanty

Lead Security Engineer: Threatsys Technology Pvt. Ltd.

ATO with Magic Links


PSIRT Engineer at Dell Technologies

How To Build a Response PlayBook-101

Pat Gorman


How to Get Into Pentesting On a Budget


Security Analyst, Web3 World

Reverse Engineering Digital Brains:
GPT Generated Code During Security Audits

Aaditya Soni


Cache Cuisine - A recipe for poisoning the cache!

Nikhil Mahadeshwar

Founder Cyber Secured India

Investigation of Crimes using Digital Forensics